HomeYes, I was a MormonI am the Tortured Soul


I am the Tortured Soul — 2 Comments

  1. Happy Pride Month, Woman–I know that’s not the kind of coming out you’re doing here, but the process you’re going through is similar. And those of us who love you will still love you 🙂 even if you reveal aspects of yourself we’re not familiar with already.

    But I knew you were a feminist already. You were the Mormon Voodoo Priestess, after all, the few bowling nights we managed to get together!

    And, I also can fall asleep after reading some pretty trauma-rich fiction. What you describe about your reading habits and character exploration is familiar to me.

    • Thanks for the support, Angel. Yep, I’m coming out. I’m glad I’m not the only one that does the trauma fiction thing. I miss you, Angel. You shouldn’t have moved.