Christmas in Pennsylvania
I just returned from a trip to Pennsylvania with my husband and son for the holidays. We spent Christmas with my in-laws who now live in an assisted living center in Youngsville, PA. It was frigidly cold and snowy.
Christmas was good, but less fun. Unfortunately, Tim’s parents aren’t doing well. Tim’s step-dad is well into his 90s and has become very frail. He was a strong, active man into his late 80s, and it was disconcerting to see him so frail. I’m afraid he will not be with us much longer. Tim’s mother is physically well, but has deteriorated markedly mentally. She is confused a good deal of the time. Tim has a hard time seeing his parents like this.
After Christmas, we went to Philadelphia for several days to ring in the New Year. We spent a wonderful 3 days in Philadelphia. I’m so glad we went. Jesse is 21 now, and we are not likely to get many more opportunities to travel with me like this. We arrived in Philadelphia late on January 28th. Then on the 29th we went to see the historic sites. Tim and I had both seen them before, but Jesse had not.

Tim and Jesse in front of the Liberty Bell

Jesse and I at Independence Hall
On the 30th, we went to visit the Aquarium. As a young child, Jesse was fascinated with Aquariums. When we lived in Long Beach, we had an annual pass to the Long Beach Aquarium, and I took him a couple of times a month. He no longer has that child-like fascination, but we still had a good time.

Jesse at the Aquarium. Philadelphia skyline behind him.
My favorite day was the 31st, which we spent at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. We start out all together, but Tim wanted to rush through so that he had time for another museum. Jesse and I preferred not to rush. Jesse and I are very compatible travelers. We like to do about the same amount of sight seeing at the same speed. We thoroughly en joyed our time together at this stunning museum.

Jesse at the Philadelphia Museum of Art

Jesse and Tim before Tim rushed off

Me with Mary Cassatt

Van Gogh’s Sunflowers

Jesse with a still life that mocks still lifes. Look at it closely
That night we went on a dinner cruise to party in the New Year with food, drinks, dancing, and fireworks.
Overall, it was a fantastic trip that I am so glad we took. I cried after we dropped Jesse off back in Birmingham. I love that kid and miss him terribly.
What wonderful Memories you and your family will have of this trip. Wishing you a Special joy-filled New Year.
Thank you. It was a lot of fun.